Benefits of Centralized Licensing
Benefits of Centralized Licensing
Many insurance carriers have started to consolidate their national licensing efforts into one central location. In the past, most insurers left licensing and compliance to their regional offices. Also, their local managers. This leads to duplication of efforts and the use of vendors to fill adjuster training needs. Also, creating a compliance headache and soaring costs.
Centralizing licensing allows you to streamline your training & compliance manpower. Also, it sources your licensing and CE needs from one vendor. Corporate, regional and local managers, have access to one comprehensive online classroom. Also, whether training a few, or a few thousand adjusters, everything is readily accessible.
How a project affects the bottom line is always the biggest consideration when evaluating a new process or system. The centralized licensing model saves companies money on multiple fronts. Consolidating a host of licensing departments into one central location or team eliminates needing multiple people in multiple offices overseeing licensing. Pooling all training needs into one spot allows companies to buy courses in bulk. Also, this saves money with volume-based discounts and scalable pricing models.
Adjuster licensing can be a compliance nightmare. New hires, state regulations, renewal dates, and CE requirements create headaches for anyone who needs to oversee adjusters. Our classroom offers a host of tools designed to make oversight simple. The user-friendly dashboard allows managers to register students and teams. Also, check individual progress and print completion certificates. It creates reports on each phase of the process. Students and managers can access their online courses and dashboards from anywhere in the nation. So your enterprise may be centrally located or spread out. Also, the classroom allows for ease of registration and a unique, controlled experience.
No need to worry about losing personalization with a centralized licensing model. The classroom can be co-branded to look like your own. This provides a seamless student experience. Administrators can add as many online courses as they need. This eliminates those that don’t apply. Also, it can include company-specific training and important compliance notifications.
If you have any questions about becoming a licensed insurance adjuster, contact us today!
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