Liability Claims Services
Liability Claims Services
Claims 411
Because we work with numerous insurers and self-insured companies, we understand that your needs are very specific; however, unlike the huge faceless Adjusting Corporations, we can truly tailor our services to suit your needs. Our team is prepared to handle your 3rd Party Liability Claims from the time it is reported through resolution.
- General/Premises Liability
- Automotive Liability
- Transportation Industry and Cargo Liability
- Garage keepers Liability
- Product Liability
- Scene Photos
- Scene Diagrams and Measurements
- Claimant and Witness Statements, Recorded or Written
- Insured Interviews, Documented as Instructed by our Clients
- Surveillance Footage Acquisition
- Obtaining Signed Claim Documents
- Medical Records and Invoices
- Public Property Damage Photos, Measurements, Invoices and Documentation
We also offer report acquisition
About Claims 411
Claims Adjusters 411, Inc provides a variety of services to insurance industry professionals. We pride ourselves in maintaining a roster of qualified and dependable adjusters and appraisers. We develop innovative software solutions. Also, we provide efficient and effective claims services to insurers throughout the United States.
If you have a question about any of our services, please contact us at your convenience by phone or email. Our main office is always open to our clients as well. We look forward to the opportunity to show you why we truly are better than our competition. We appreciate that you have taken the time to learn more about our company.